Benjamin Blankertz - Publications

See also my Google Scholar profile

Note that the PDFs available on this web page are the authors' draft versions of the respective papers.
The authoratative versions must be retrieved from the publisher.


Journal papers

Schultze-Kraft M, Jonany V, Binns TS, Soch J, Blankertz B, Haynes J, Suppress Me if You Can: Neurofeedback of the Readiness Potential
eNeuro, Society for Neuroscience, 8(2), 2021 [url]


Journal papers

Brandl S, Blankertz B, Motor Imagery under Distraction - An open access BCI dataset, Open Access
Front Neuroscience, Frontiers, 14:967, 2020 [url]


Journal papers

Jacucci G, Barral O, Daee P, Wenzel M, Serim B, Ruotsalo T, Pluchino P, Freeman J, Gamberini L, Kaski S, others, Integrating neurophysiologic relevance feedback in intent modeling for information retrieval
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Wiley Online Library, 2019 [url]

Meinel A, Castano-Candamil S, Blankertz B, Lotte F, Tangermann M, Characterizing Regularization Techniques for Spatial Filter Optimization in Oscillatory EEG Regression Problems
Neuroinformatics, Springer, 17(2):235-251, 2019 [url]

Neumann W, Turner RS, Blankertz B, Mitchell T, Kühn AA, Richardson RM, Toward Electrophysiology-based Intelligent Adaptive Deep Brain Stimulation for Movement Disorders
Neurotherapeutics, Springer, 16(1):105-118, 2019 [url]

Röhr V, Berner R, Lameu EL, Popovych OV, Yanchuk S, Frequency cluster formation and slow oscillations in neural populations with plasticity, Open Access
PloS one, Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA, 14(11):e0225094, 2019 [url]

Sannelli C, Vidaurre C, Müller K, Blankertz B, A large scale screening study with a SMR-based BCI: Categorization of BCI users and differences in their SMR activity
PLoS ONE, Public Library of Science, 14(1):e0207351, 2019 [url]

Conference papers

Miklody D, Vauth L, Blankertz B, Alpha and theta oscillations as a measure for cognitive workload – why do they fail in certain settings or what do they really mean?
Neuroscience 2019, 2019

Miklody D, Blankertz B, Estimating absolute conductivities for head models through bEIT: the issues are not the amplitudes
25th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2019


Journal papers

Gemignani J, Middell E, Barbour RL, Graber HL, Blankertz B, Improving the analysis of near-spectroscopy data with multivariate classification of hemodynamic patterns: a theoretical formulation and validation
J Neural Eng, IOP Publishing, 15(4):045001, 2018 [url]

Golenia J, Wenzel M, Bogojeski M, Blankertz B, Implicit relevance feedback from electroencephalography and eye tracking in image search, open access
J Neural Eng, 15(2):026002, 2018 [url]

Nicolae I, Acqualagna L, Neagu G, Enhanced Classification Methods for the Depth of Cognitive Processing Depicted in Neural Signals
University Politehnica of Bucharest Scientific Bulletin Series C-Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 80(1):135-146, 2018

Conference papers

Gemignani J, Bayet L, Kabdebon C, Blankertz B, Pugh KR, Aslin RN, Classifying the mental representation of word meaning in children with Multivariate Pattern Analysis of fNIRS
2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2018


Journal papers

AliMardani F, Boostani R, Blankertz B, Weighted Spatial based Geometric Scheme as an Efficient Algorithm for Analyzing Single-Trial EEGs to Improve the cue-based BCI Classification, Advances in Cognitive Engineering Using Neural Networks
Neural Networks, 92:69-76, 2017 [url]

Bosse S, Acqualagna L, Samek W, Porbadnigk AK, Curio G, Blankertz B, Muller K, Wiegand T, Assessing perceived image quality using steady-state visual evoked potentials and spatio-spectral decomposition
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE, 2017

Botrel L, Acqualagna L, Blankertz B, Kübler A, Short progressive muscle relaxation or motor coordination training does not increase performance in a brain-computer interface based on sensorimotor rhythms (SMR)
International Journal of Psychophysiology, Elsevier, 121:29-37, 2017

Nicolae I, Acqualagna L, Blankertz B, Assessing the Depth of Cognitive Processing as the Basis for Potential User-State Adaptation, Open Access
Front Neuroscience, 11:548, 2017 [url]

Shin J, Lühmann A v, Blankertz B, Kim D, Jeong J, Hwang H, Müller K, Open Access Dataset for EEG+ NIRS Single-Trial Classification
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, IEEE, 25(10):1735-1745, 2017

Sturm I, Blankertz B, Curio G, Multivariate EEG analysis reveals neural correlates for the differential perception of chord progressions.
Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain, Educational Publishing Foundation, 27(4):281, 2017

Wenzel MA, Bogojeski M, Blankertz B, Real-time inference of word relevance from electroencephalogram and eye gaze, Open Access
J Neural Eng, 14(5):056007, 2017 [url]

Book chapters

Schultze-Kraft M, Neumann M, Lundfall M, Wagner P, Birman D, Haynes J, Blankertz B, Predicting Motor Intentions with Closed-Loop Brain-Computer Interfaces
Brain-Computer Interface Research: A State-of-the-Art Summary 6, Springer, 2017 [url]

Conference papers

Lühmann A v, Soekadar S, Müller K, Blankertz B, Headgear for mobile neurotechnology: looking into alternatives for EEG and NIRS probes
Proceedings of the 7th Graz Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2017, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 2017 [url]

Miklody D, Bagdasarian MT, Blankertz B, A low-dimensional representation for individual head geometries
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 2017

Miklody D, Dettmann T, Klinkenberg K, Mössmer P, Blankertz B, Multi-timescale spectra as features for continuous workload estimation in realistic settings
Proc. 7th Int. BCI Conf. Graz, 2017


Journal papers

Acqualagna L, Botrel L, Vidaurre C, Kübler A, Blankertz B, Large-Scale Assessment of a Fully Automatic Co-Adaptive Motor Imagery-Based Brain Computer Interface, Open Access
PLoS ONE, Public Library of Science, 11(2):1-19, 2016 [url]

AliMardani F, Boostani R, Blankertz B, Presenting a Spatial-Geometric EEG Feature to Classify BMD and Schizophrenic Patients, Open Access
International Journal of Advances in Telecommunications, Electrotechnics, Signals and Systems, 5(2), 2016 [url]

Blankertz B, Acqualagna L, Dähne S, Haufe S, Schultze-Kraft M, Sturm I, Uscumlic M, Wenzel M, Curio G, Müller K, The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface: Progress Beyond Communication and Control, Open Access
Front Neuroscience, 10:530, 2016 [url]

Chen Y, Atnafu AD, Schlattner I, Weldtsadik WT, Roh M, Kim H, Lee S, Blankertz B, Fazli S, A high-security EEG-based login system with RSVP stimuli and dry electrodes, in press
IEEE Trans Inf Forensics Security, IEEE, 2016 [url]

Höhne J, Bartz D, Hebart MN, Müller K, Blankertz B, Analyzing neuroimaging data with subclasses: a shrinkage approach
NeuroImage, 124, Part A:740-751, 2016 [pdf] [url]

Samek W, Blythe DA, Curio G, Müller K, Blankertz B, Nikulin VV, Multiscale temporal neural dynamics predict performance in a complex sensorimotor task
NeuroImage, Elsevier, 141:291-303, 2016

Sannelli C, Vidaurre C, Müller K, Blankertz B, Ensembles of adaptive spatial filters increase BCI performance: an online evaluation
J Neural Eng, 13(4):046003, 2016 [pdf] [url]

Schultze-Kraft M, Birman D, Rusconi M, Allefeld C, Görgen K, Dähne S, Blankertz B, Haynes J, The point of no return in vetoing self-initiated movements, Open Access
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 113(4):1080-1085, 2016 [url]

Schultze-Kraft M, Dähne S, Gugler M, Curio G, Blankertz B, Unsupervised classification of operator workload from brain signals, Open Access
J Neural Eng, 13(3):036008, 2016 [url]

Treder MS, Porbadnigk AK, Shahbazi F, Müller K, Blankertz B, The LDA beamformer: optimal estimation of ERP source time series using linear discriminant analysis
NeuroImage, 129:279-291, 2016 [url]

Uscumlic M, Blankertz B, Active visual search in non-stationary scenes: coping with temporal variability and uncertainty, Open Access
J Neural Eng, 13(1):016015, 2016 [url]

Wenzel MA, Schultze-Kraft R, Meinecke FC, Cardinaux F, Kemp T, Müller K, Curio G, Blankertz B, EEG-based usability assessment of 3D shutter glasses
J Neural Eng, 13(1):016003, 2016 [url]

Wenzel MA, Golenia J, Blankertz B, Classification of eye fixation related potentials for variable stimulus saliency, Open Access
Front Neuroscience, 10(23), 2016 [url]

Wenzel MA, Almeida I, Blankertz B, Is Neural Activity Detected by ERP-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces Task Specific?, Open Access
PLoS ONE, Public Library of Science, 11(10):1-16, 2016 [url]

Book chapters

Miklody D, Uitterhoeve W, Heel D v, Klinkenberg K, Blankertz B, Maritime Cognitive Workload Assessment, open access
Symbiotic Interaction: 5th International Workshop, Springer International Publishing, 9961:102-114, 2016 [url]

Naumann L, Schultze-Kraft M, Dähne S, Blankertz B, Prediction of Difficulty Levels in Video Games from Ongoing EEG, open access
Symbiotic Interaction, Springer International Publishing, 9961, 2016 [url]

Conference papers

Miklody D, Huang Y, Haufe S, Parra L, Automatic creation of fast, realistic boundary element head models
22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2016

Miklody D, Uitterhoeve W, Heel D v, Klinkenberg K, Blankertz B, Cognitive workload BCI in the maritime environment
6th International BCI Meeting in Asilomar, 2016 [url]

Naumann LB, Schultze-Kraft M, Dähne S, Blankertz B, Prediction of difficulty levels in video games from EEG
6th International BCI Meeting in Asilomar, 2016 [url]

Nicolae I, Acqualagna L, Blankertz B, Investigating Depth of Cognitive Processing in the Brain Dynamics of Oscillations, accepted
6th International BCI Meeting in Asilomar, 2016 [url]

PhD theses

Acqualagna L, Pushing the boundaries of Brain-Computer Interface technology: challenges in novel applications and large-scale studies
Technische Universität Berlin, 2016 [url]

Schultze-Kraft M, Brain-Computer Interfaces for Cognitive Neuroscience and Advanced Mental State Assessment
Technische Universität Berlin, 2016 [url]

Sturm I, Analyzing the perception of natural music with EEG and ECoG
Technische Universität Berlin, 2016 [url]


Journal papers

Acqualagna L, Bosse S, Porbadnigk AK, Curio G, Müller K, Wiegand T, Blankertz B, EEG-based classification of video quality perception using steady state visual evoked potentials (SSVEPs)
J Neural Eng, 12(2):026012, 2015 [url]

Brunner C, Birbaumer N, Blankertz B, Guger C, Kübler A, Mattia D, R. Millán J d, Miralles F, Nijholt A, Opisso E, Ramsey N, Salomon P, Müller-Putz GR, BNCI Horizon 2020: Towards a Roadmap for the BCI Community, Open Access
Brain-Computer Interfaces, 2(1):1-10, 2015 [url]

Hwang HJ, Ferreria VY, Ulrich D, Kilic T, Chatziliadis X, Blankertz B, Treder M, A Gaze Independent Brain-Computer Interface Based on Visual Stimulation through Closed Eyelids, Open Access
Scientific Reports, 5:15890, 2015 [url]

Seoane LF, Gabler S, Blankertz B, Images from the mind: BCI image evolution based on rapid serial visual presentation of polygon primitives
Brain-Computer Interfaces, 2(1):40-56, 2015 [url]

Sturm I, Dähne S, Blankertz B, Curio G, Multi-Variate EEG Analysis as a Novel Tool to Examine Brain Responses to Naturalistic Music Stimuli, Open Access
PLoS ONE, 10:e0141281, 2015 [url]

Sturm I, Treder M, Miklody D, Purwins H, Dähne S, Blankertz B, Curio G, Extracting the neural representation of tone onsets for separate voices of ensemble music using multivariate EEG analysis
Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain, 25:366-379, 2015 [url]

Venthur B, Dähne S, Höhne J, Heller H, Blankertz B, Wyrm: A Brain-Computer Interface Toolbox in Python, Open Access
Journal of Neuroinformatics, Springer, 13(4):471-486, 2015 [url]

Book chapters

Gamberini L, Spagnolli A, Blankertz B, Kaski S, Freeman J, Acqualagna L, Barral O, Bellio M, Chech L, Eugster M, others, Developing a Symbiotic System for Scientific Information Seeking: The MindSee Project
Symbiotic Interaction, Springer, 2015 [url]

Golenia J, Wenzel M, Blankertz B, Live Demonstrator of EEG and Eye-Tracking Input for Disambiguation of Image Search Results
Symbiotic Interaction, Springer International Publishing, 9359:81-86, 2015 [url]

Nicolae I, Acqualagna L, Blankertz B, Tapping Neural Correlates of the Depth of Cognitive Processing for Improving Human Computer Interaction
Symbiotic Interaction, Springer International Publishing, 9359:126-131, 2015 [url]

Uscumlic M, Hägele M, Blankertz B, EEG Correlates of Visual Recognition While Overtly Tracking a Moving Object
Symbiotic Interaction, Springer International Publishing, 9359:166-171, 2015 [url]

Wenzel M, Moreira C, Lungu I, Bogojeski M, Blankertz B, Neural Responses to Abstract and Linguistic Stimuli with Variable Recognition Latency
Symbiotic Interaction, Springer International Publishing, 9359:172-178, 2015 [url]

Conference papers

Acqualagna L, Blankertz B, Neural Correlates of Relevant Stimuli Processing for Brain Computer Interfaces
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 2015 [url]

Miklody D, Höhne J, Impedance based automatic electrode positioning
37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Bi ology Society (EMBC), 2015

Nicolae I, Acqualagna L, Blankertz B, Neural indicators of the depth of cognitive processing for user-adaptive neurotechnological applications
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 2015

Uscumlic M, Blankertz B, Animation Effects Challenge Intention Decoding from EEG in Active Visual Search
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 2015 [url]


Journal papers

An X, Höhne J, Ming D, Blankertz B, Exploring Combinations of Auditory and Visual Stimuli for Gaze-Independent Brain-Computer Interfaces, Open Access
PLoS ONE, Public Library of Science, 9(10):e111070, 2014 [url]

Hammer EM, Kaufmann T, Kleih SC, Blankertz B, Kübler A, Visuo-motor coordination ability predicts performance with brain-computer interfaces controlled by modulation of sensorimotor rhythms (SMR), Open Access
Frontiers Human Neurosci, 8(574), 2014 [url]

Haufe S, Kim J, Kim I, Sonnleitner A, Schrauf M, Curio G, Blankertz B, Electrophysiology-based detection of emergency braking intention in real-world driving
J Neural Eng, 11(5):056011, 2014 [url]

Haufe S, Meinecke F, Görgen K, Dähne S, Haynes J, Blankertz B, Biessmann F, On the interpretation of weight vectors of linear models in multivariate neuroimaging, Neuroimage single best paper of 2014 Award.
NeuroImage, 87:96-110, 2014 [url]

Lorenz R, Pascual J, Blankertz B, Vidaurre C, Towards a holistic assessment of the user experience with hybrid BCIs
J Neural Eng, IOP Publishing, 11(3):035007, 2014 [url]

Martel A, Dähne S, Blankertz B, EEG Predictors of Covert Vigilant Attention
J Neural Eng, IOP Publishing, 11(3):035009, 2014 [url]

Sturm I, Blankertz B, Potes C, Schalk G, Curio G, ECoG high gamma activity reveals distinct cortical representations of lyrics passages, harmonic and timbre-related changes in a rock song
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8:798, 2014 [url]

Treder MS, Purwins H, Miklody D, Sturm I, Blankertz B, Decoding auditory attention to instruments in polyphonic music using single-trial EEG classification
J Neural Eng, 11:026009, 2014 [url]

Conference papers

Höhne J, Blankertz B, Müller K, Bartz D, Mean shrinkage improves the classification of ERP signals by exploiting additional label information
Proceedings of the 2014 International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging, 2014 [pdf]

Haufe S, Meinecke F, Gorgen K, Dahne S, Haynes J, Blankertz B, Biessmann F, Parameter interpretation, regularization and source localization in multivariate linear models
Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging, 2014 International Workshop on, 2014


Journal papers

Acqualagna L, Blankertz B, Gaze-Independent BCI-Spelling Using Rapid Visual Serial Presentation (RSVP)
Clin Neurophysiol, 124(5):901-908, 2013 [url]

Porbadnigk AK, Treder MS, Blankertz B, Antons J, Schleicher R, Möller S, Curio G, Müller K, Single-trial analysis of the neural correlates of speech quality perception
J Neural Eng, 10(5):056003, 2013

Schreuder M, Höhne J, Blankertz B, Haufe S, Dickhaus T, Tangermann M, Optimizing ERP Based BCI - a Systematic Evaluation of Dynamic Stopping Methods
J Neural Eng, 10(3):036025, 2013

Vidaurre C, Pascual J, Ramos-Murguialday A, Lorenz R, Blankertz B, Birbaumer N, Müller K, Neuromuscular electrical stimulation induced brain patterns to decode motor imagery
Clin Neurophysiol, 124(1):1824-1834, 2013 [url]

Conference papers

Acqualagna L, Treder MS, Blankertz B, Chroma Speller: Isotropic visual stimuli for truly gaze-independent spelling
Neural Engineering (NER), 2013 6th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on, 2013 [pdf] [url]


Journal papers

Fazli S, Mehnert J, Steinbrink J, Curio G, Villringer A, Müller K, Blankertz B, Enhanced performance by a Hybrid NIRS-EEG Brain Computer Interface, Open Access
NeuroImage, 59(1):519-529, 2012 [url]

Hammer EM, Halder S, Blankertz B, Sannelli C, Dickhaus T, Kleih S, Müller K, Kübler A, Psychological predictors of SMR-BCI performance
Biol Psychol, 89(1):80-86, 2012 [url]

Maeder CL, Sannelli C, Haufe S, Blankertz B, Prestimulus sensorimotor rhythms influence brain-computer interface classification performance
IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng, 20:653-662, 2012 [url]

Schaeff S, Treder MS, Venthur B, Blankertz B, Exploring motion VEPs for gaze-independent communication
J Neural Eng, 9(4):045006, 2012 [pdf] [url]

Schmidt NM, Blankertz B, Treder MS, Online detection of error-related potentials boosts the performance of mental typewriters
BMC Neurosci, 13:19, 2012 [url]

Scholler S, Bosse S, Treder MS, Blankertz B, Curio G, Müller K, Wiegand T, Towards a Direct Measure of Video Quality Perception using EEG
IEEE Trans Image Process, 21(5):2619-2629, 2012 [pdf] [url]

Tangermann M, Müller K, Aertsen A, Birbaumer N, Braun C, Brunner C, Leeb R, Mehring C, Miller K, Müller-Putz G, Nolte G, Pfurtscheller G, Preissl H, Schalk G, Schlögl A, Vidaurre C, Waldert S, Blankertz B, Review of the BCI Competition IV, Open Access
Front Neuroscience, 6(55), 2012 [url]

Thurlings ME, Brouwer AM, Van Erp JB, Blankertz B, Werkhoven PJ, Does bimodal stimulus presentation increase ERP components usable in BCIs?
J Neural Eng, 9(4):045005, 2012 [url]

Thurlings ME, Erp JBv, Brouwer A, Blankertz B, Werkhoven P, Control-Display Mapping in Brain-Computer Interfaces
Ergonomics, 55(5):564-580, 2012 [pdf] [url]

Book chapters

Blankertz B, Tangermann M, Müller K, BCI applications for the general population
Brain-Computer Interfaces - Principles and Practice, Oxford University Press, 2012

Conference papers

Fazli S, Mehnert J, Steinbrink J, Blankertz B, Using NIRS as a predictor for EEG-based BCI performance
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2012:4911-4914, 2012 [pdf]

Pascual J, Lorenz R, Blankertz B, Vidaurre C, Hybrid EEG-based BCI User Interface for Action Selection
Conf Proc International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation, 2012, 2012

Sannelli C, Vidaurre C, Müller K, Blankertz B, Common Spatial Pattern Patches: online evaluation on naive users
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2012, 2012 [pdf]

Venthur B, Blankertz B, Mushu, a free- and open source BCI signal acquisition, written in Python
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2012, 2012 [pdf]


Journal papers

Blankertz B, Lemm S, Treder MS, Haufe S, Müller K, Single-trial analysis and classification of ERP components - a tutorial
NeuroImage, 56:814-825, 2011 [pdf] [url]

Höhne J, Schreuder M, Blankertz B, Müller K, Tangermann M, Novel Paradigms for Auditory ERP Spellers with Spatial Hearing: Two Online Studies
Int J Bioelectromagnetism, 13(2):96-97, 2011 [url]

Höhne J, Schreuder M, Blankertz B, Tangermann M, A novel 9-class auditory ERP paradigm driving a predictive text entry system, Open Access
Front Neuroscience, 5:99, 2011 [url]

Haufe S, Tomioka R, Dickhaus T, Sannelli C, Blankertz B, Nolte G, Müller K, Large-Scale EEG/MEG Source Localization with Spatial Flexibility
NeuroImage, 54:851-859, 2011 [pdf] [url]

Haufe S, Treder MS, Gugler MF, Sagebaum M, Curio G, Blankertz B, EEG potentials predict upcoming emergency brakings during simulated driving
J Neural Eng, 8:056001, 2011 [url]

Lemm S, Blankertz B, Dickhaus T, Müller K, Introduction to machine learning for brain imaging
NeuroImage, 56:387-399, 2011 [pdf] [url]

Müller K, Blankertz B, Tangermann M, Curio G, Forschen an einer neuen Schnittstelle zum Gehirn: Das Berliner Brain-Computer-Interface
Nova Acta Leopoldina, 110(377):235-257, 2011 [url]

Sannelli C, Vidaurre C, Müller K, Blankertz B, Common Spatial Pattern Patches - an Optimized Filter Ensemble for Adaptive Brain-Computer Interfaces
J Neural Eng, 8(2):025012 (7pp), 2011 [url]

Schreuder M, Riccio A, Cincotti F, Risetti M, Blankertz B, Tangermann M, Mattia D, Putting AMUSE to work: an end-user study
Int J Bioelectromagnetism, 13(3):139-140, 2011 [url]

Treder MS, Bahramisharif A, Schmidt NM, Gerven M v, Blankertz B, Brain-Computer Interfacing using Modulations of Alpha Activity Induced by Covert Shifts of Attention
J Neuroeng Rehabil, 8:24, 2011 [url]

Treder MS, Schmidt NM, Blankertz B, Gaze-independent brain-computer interfaces based on covert attention and feature attention, Open Access
J Neural Eng, 8(6):066003, 2011 [url]

Treder MS, Schmidt NM, Blankertz B, Gaze-independent visual brain-computer interfaces, Open Access
Int J Bioelectromagnetism, 13(1):11-12, 2011 [url]

Vidaurre C, Kawanabe M, Bünau P v, Blankertz B, Müller K, Toward Unsupervised Adaptation of LDA for Brain-Computer Interfaces
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 58(3):587 -597, 2011 [url]

Vidaurre C, Sannelli C, Müller K, Blankertz B, Machine-Learning Based Co-adaptive Calibration
Neural Comput, 23(3):791-816, 2011 [pdf] [url]

Vidaurre C, Sannelli C, Müller K, Blankertz B, Co-adaptive calibration to improve BCI efficiency
J Neural Eng, 8(2):025009 (8pp), 2011 [url]

Conference papers

Acqualagna L, Blankertz B, A gaze independent speller based on rapid serial visual presentation
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2011:4560-4563, 2011 [pdf]

Porbadnigk AK, Antons J, Treder MS, Blankertz B, Schleicher R, Moeller S, Curio G, ERP assessment of word processing under broadcast bit rate limitations
Neurosci Lett, 500, suppl. 1:e49, 2011 [pdf] [url]

Porbadnigk AK, Scholler S, Blankertz B, Ritz A, Born M, Scholl R, Müller K, Curio G, Treder MS, Revealing the Neural Response to Imperceptible Peripheral Flicker with Machine Learning
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2011:3692-3695, 2011 [pdf]

Schaeff S, Treder MS, Venthur B, Blankertz B, Motion-based ERP spellers in a covert attention paradigm
Neurosci Lett, 500(Supplement 1):e11, 2011 [pdf] [url]

Schmidt N, Blankertz B, Treder MS, Online detection of error potentials increases information throughput in a brain-computer interface
Neurosci Lett, 500(Supplement 1):e19 - e20, 2011 [url]

Schreuder M, Höhne J, Treder MS, Blankertz B, Tangermann M, Performance Optimization of ERP-Based BCIs Using Dynamic Stopping
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2011 [pdf]

Tangermann M, Höhne J, Schreuder M, Sagebaum M, Blankertz B, Ramsay A, Murray-Smith R, Data Driven Neuroergonomic Optimization of BCI Stimuli
Proc. 5th Int. BCI Conf. Graz, 2011


Journal papers

Blankertz B, Sannelli C, Halder S, Hammer EM, Kübler A, Müller K, Curio G, Dickhaus T, Neurophysiological Predictor of SMR-Based BCI Performance
NeuroImage, 51(4):1303-1309, 2010 [pdf] [url]

Blankertz B, Tangermann M, Vidaurre C, Fazli S, Sannelli C, Haufe S, Maeder C, Ramsey LE, Sturm I, Curio G, Müller K, The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface: Non-Medical Uses of BCI Technology, Open Access
Front Neuroscience, 4:198, 2010 [url]

Sannelli C, Dickhaus T, Halder S, Hammer EM, Müller K, Blankertz B, On optimal channel configurations for SMR-based brain-computer interfaces
Brain Topogr, 23(2):186-193, 2010 [pdf] [url]

Schreuder M, Blankertz B, Tangermann M, A New Auditory Multi-class Brain-Computer Interface Paradigm: Spatial Hearing as an Informative Cue, Open Access
PLoS ONE, 5(4):e9813, 2010 [url]

Treder MS, Blankertz B, (C)overt attention and visual speller design in an ERP-based brain-computer interface, Open Access
Behav Brain Funct, 6:28, 2010 [url]

Venthur B, Scholler S, Williamson J, Dähne S, Treder MS, Kramarek MT, Müller K, Blankertz B, Pyff - A Pythonic Framework for Feedback Applications and Stimulus Presentation in Neuroscience, Open Access
Front Neuroscience, 4:179, 2010 [url]

Vidaurre C, Blankertz B, Towards a Cure for BCI Illiteracy, Open Access
Brain Topogr, 23:194-198, 2010 [url]

Book chapters

Blankertz B, Tangermann M, Vidaurre C, Dickhaus T, Sannelli C, Popescu F, Fazli S, Danóczy M, Curio G, Müller K, Detecting Mental States by Machine Learning Techniques: The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface
Brain-Computer Interfaces (Revolutionizing Human-Computer Interaction), Springer, 2010 [url]

Conference papers

Acqualagna L, Treder MS, Schreuder M, Blankertz B, A novel brain-computer interface based on the rapid serial visual presentation paradigm
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2010:2686-2689, 2010 [pdf] [url]

Höhne J, Schreuder M, Blankertz B, Mueller KR, Tangermann M, Novel paradigms for auditory P300 Spellers with spatial hearing: two online studies, Conference Abstract: Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience 2010
Front Comput Neurosci, 2010 [url]

Höhne J, Schreuder M, Blankertz B, Tangermann M, Two-dimensional auditory P300 Speller with predictive text system
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2010:4185-4188, 2010 [pdf] [url]

Haufe S, Tomioka R, Dickhaus T, Sannelli C, Blankertz B, Nolte G, Müller K, Localization of class-related mu-rhythm desynchronization in motor imagery based Brain-Computer Interface sessions
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2010:5137-5140, 2010 [pdf] [url]

Haufe S, Treder MS, Gugler MF, Sagebaum M, Ewald A, Curio G, Blankertz B, Neural Signatures Enhance Emergency Braking Intention Detection during Simulated Driving, Conference Abstract: Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience 2010
Front Comput Neurosci, 2010 [url]

Porbadnigk AK, Antons J, Blankertz B, Treder MS, Schleicher R, Möller S, Curio G, Using ERPs for Assessing the (Sub)Conscious Perception of Noise
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2010:2690-2693, 2010 [pdf] [url]

Porbadnigk A, Antons J, Blankertz B, Treder MS, Schleicher R, Möller S, Curio G, Assessing the (Sub)Conscious Processing of Noise based on ERPs, Conference Abstract: Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience 2010
Front Comput Neurosci, 2010 [url]

Sannelli C, Vidaurre C, Müller K, Blankertz B, Common Spatial Pattern Patches - an Optimized Filter Ensemble for Adaptive Brain-Computer Interfaces
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2010:4351-4354, 2010 [pdf] [url]

Sannelli C, Vidaurre C, Müller K, Blankertz B, Common Spatial Pattern Patches - an Optimized Spatial Filter for Adaptive BCIs, Conference Abstract: Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience 2010
Front Comput Neurosci, 2010 [url]

Schmidt NM, Blankertz B, Treder MS, Alpha-modulation induced by covert attention shifts as a new input modality for EEG-based BCIs
Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC2010), 2010 [pdf] [url]

Schmidt NM, Blankertz B, Treder MS, Alpha-modulation induced by covert attention shifts as a new input modality for EEG-based BCIs, Conference Abstract: Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience 2010
Front Comput Neurosci, 2010 [url]

Treder MS, Schmidt NM, Blankertz B, Towards gaze-independent visual brain-computer interfaces, Conference Abstract: Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience 2010
Front Comput Neurosci, 2010 [url]

Venthur B, Blankertz B, Gugler MF, Curio G, Novel Applications of BCI Technology: Psychophysiological Optimization of Working Conditions in Industry
Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC2010), 2010 [url]


Journal papers

Conradi J, Blankertz B, Tangermann M, Kunzmann V, Curio G, Brain-Computer Interfacing in Tetraplegic Patients with High Spinal Cord Injury
Int J Bioelectromagnetism, 11(2):65-68, 2009 [pdf] [url]

Fazli S, Popescu F, Danóczy M, Blankertz B, Müller K, Grozea C, Subject-independent mental state classification in single trials
Neural Netw, 22(9):1305-1312, 2009 [url]

Schreuder M, Tangermann M, Blankertz B, Initial results of a high-speed spatial auditory BCI
Int J Bioelectromagnetism, 11(2):105-109, 2009 [pdf] [url]

Tangermann M, Winkler I, Haufe S, Blankertz B, Classification of Artifactual ICA Components
Int J Bioelectromagnetism, 11(2):110-114, 2009 [pdf] [url]

Vidaurre C, Krämer N, Blankertz B, Schlögl A, Time Domain Parameters as a feature for EEG-based Brain Computer Interfaces
Neural Networks, 22:1313-1319, 2009 [url]

Williamson J, Murray-Smith R, Blankertz B, Krauledat M, Müller K, Designing for uncertain, asymmetric control: Interaction design for brain-computer interfaces
Int J Hum Comput Stud, 67(10):827-841, 2009 [url]

Conference papers

Blankertz B, Müller K, Curio G, Neuronal Correlates of Emotions in Human-Machine Interaction, Eighteenth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting: CNS*2009
BMC Neuroscience 2009, 10:(Suppl 1):P80, 2009 [url]

Blankertz B, Sannelli C, Halder S, Hammer E, Kübler A, Müller K, Curio G, Dickhaus T, Predicting BCI Performance to Study BCI Illiteracy
7th NFSI & ICBEM 2009, 2009 [pdf]

Blankertz B, Vidaurre C, Towards a Cure for BCI Illiteracy: Machine-Learning Based Co-adaptive Learning, Eighteenth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting: CNS*2009
BMC Neuroscience 2009, 10:(Suppl 1):P85, 2009 [url]

Dickhaus T, Sannelli C, Müller K, Curio G, Blankertz B, Predicting BCI Performance to Study BCI Illiteracy, Eighteenth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting: CNS*2009
BMC Neuroscience 2009, 10:(Suppl 1):P84, 2009 [url]

Fazli S, Grozea C, Danóczy M, Blankertz B, Popescu F, Müller K, Subject independent EEG-based BCI decoding
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 22, MIT Press, 2009

Kawanabe M, Vidaurre C, Blankertz B, Müller K, A maxmin approach to optimize spatial filters for EEG single-trial classification
Proceedings of IWANN 09, Part I, LNCS, 2009 [pdf]

Kawanabe M, Vidaurre C, Schoeller S, Blankertz B, Mueller K, Robust Common Spatial Filters with a Maxmin Approach
EMBS-Conference, 2009

Ramsey L, Tangermann M, Haufe S, Blankertz B, Practicing fast-decision BCI using a "goalkeeper" paradigm, Eighteenth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting: CNS*2009
BMC Neuroscience 2009, 10:(Suppl 1):P69, 2009 [pdf] [url]

Tangermann M, Krauledat M, Grzeska K, Sagebaum M, Blankertz B, Vidaurre C, Müller K, Playing Pinball with non-invasive BCI
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21, December 8-11, 2008, MIT Press, 2009 [pdf]


Journal papers

Blankertz B, Losch F, Krauledat M, Dornhege G, Curio G, Müller K, The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface: Accurate performance from first-session in BCI-naive subjects
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 55(10):2452-2462, 2008 [pdf] [url]

Blankertz B, Tomioka R, Lemm S, Kawanabe M, Müller K, Optimizing Spatial Filters for Robust EEG Single-Trial Analysis
IEEE Signal Process Mag, 25(1):41-56, 2008 [pdf] [url]

Krauledat M, Tangermann M, Blankertz B, Müller K, Towards Zero Training for Brain-Computer Interfacing, Open Access
PLoS ONE, Public Library of Science, 3(8):e2967, 2008 [pdf] [url]

Müller K, Tangermann M, Dornhege G, Krauledat M, Curio G, Blankertz B, Machine learning for real-time single-trial EEG-analysis: From brain-computer interfacing to mental state monitoring
J Neurosci Methods, 167(1):82-90, 2008 [pdf] [url]

Nijholt A, Tan D, Pfurtscheller G, Brunner C, Millán J, Allison B, Grainmann B, Popescu F, Blankertz B, Müller K, Brain-Computer Interfacing for Intelligent Systems
IEEE Intelligent Systems, 23(3):72-79, 2008 [pdf] [url]

Book chapters

Blankertz B, Tangermann M, Popescu F, Krauledat M, Fazli S, Danóczy M, Curio G, Müller K, The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface
WCCI 2008 Plenary/Invited Lectures, Springer, 5050:79-101, 2008 [pdf] [url]

Purwins H, Blankertz B, Obermayer K, Toroidal Models in Tonal Theory and Pitch- Class Analysis
Tonal Theory for the Digital Age, Computing in Musicology, Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities and MIT Press, 15:74-103, 2008 [pdf]

Conference papers

Blankertz B, Kawanabe M, Tomioka R, Hohlefeld F, Nikulin V, Müller K, Invariant Common Spatial Patterns: Alleviating Nonstationarities in Brain-Computer Interfacing
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 20, MIT Press, 2008 [pdf]


Journal papers

Blankertz B, Dornhege G, Krauledat M, Müller K, Curio G, The non-invasive Berlin Brain-Computer Interface: Fast Acquisition of Effective Performance in Untrained Subjects
NeuroImage, 37(2):539-550, 2007 [pdf] [url]

Krauledat M, Dornhege G, Blankertz B, Müller K, Robustifying EEG data analysis by removing outliers
Chaos and Complexity Letters, 2(3):259-274, 2007 [pdf]

Krepki R, Blankertz B, Curio G, Müller K, The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface (BBCI): towards a new communication channel for online control in gaming applications
Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, 33(1):73-90, 2007 [pdf] [url]

Krepki R, Curio G, Blankertz B, Müller K, Berlin Brain-Computer Interface - the HCI Communication Channel for Discovery, Special Issue on Ambient Intelligence
Int J Hum Comp Studies, 65:460-477, 2007 [pdf]

Popescu F, Fazli S, Badower Y, Blankertz B, Müller K, Single Trial Classification of Motor Imagination Using 6 Dry EEG Electrodes, Open Access
PLoS ONE, 2(7):e637, 2007 [pdf] [url]

Book chapters

Blankertz B, Dornhege G, Krauledat M, Kunzmann V, Losch F, Curio G, Müller K, The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface: Machine-Learning based Detection of User Specific Brain States
Toward Brain-Computer Interfacing, MIT press, 2007

Dornhege G, Krauledat M, Müller K, Blankertz B, General signal processing and machine learning tools for BCI
Toward Brain-Computer Interfacing, MIT Press, 2007

Kohlmorgen J, Dornhege G, Braun M, Blankertz B, Müller K, Curio G, Hagemann K, Bruns A, Schrauf M, Kincses W, Improving human performance in a real operating environment through real-time mental workload detection
Toward Brain-Computer Interfacing, MIT press, 2007 [pdf]

Krauledat M, Shenoy P, Blankertz B, Rao RP, Müller K, Adaptation in CSP-based BCI systems
Toward Brain-Computer Interfacing, MIT Press, 2007

Conference papers

Blankertz B, Krauledat M, Dornhege G, Williamson J, Murray-Smith R, Müller K, A Note on Brain Actuated Spelling with the Berlin Brain-Computer Interface
Universal Access in HCI, Part II, HCII 2007, Springer, 4555:759-768, 2007 [pdf]

Krauledat M, Schröder M, Blankertz B, Müller K, Reducing Calibration Time For Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Clustering Approach
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19, MIT Press, 2007 [pdf]

Müller K, Krauledat M, Dornhege G, Curio G, Blankertz B, Machine Learning and Applications for Brain-Computer Interfacing
Human Interface, Part I, HCII 2007, Springer, 4557:705-714, 2007


Journal papers

Blankertz B, Dornhege G, Krauledat M, Müller K, Kunzmann V, Losch F, Curio G, The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface: EEG-based communication without subject training
IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng, 14(2):147-152, 2006 [pdf] [url]

Blankertz B, Dornhege G, Lemm S, Krauledat M, Curio G, Müller K, The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface: Machine Learning Based Detection of User Specific Brain States
J Universal Computer Sci, 12(6):581-607, 2006 [pdf] [url]

Blankertz B, Müller K, Krusienski D, Schalk G, Wolpaw JR, Schlögl A, Pfurtscheller G, R. Millán J d, Schröder M, Birbaumer N, The BCI Competition III: Validating Alternative Approachs to Actual BCI Problems
IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng, 14(2):153-159, 2006 [pdf] [url]

Dornhege G, Blankertz B, Krauledat M, Losch F, Curio G, Müller K, Combined optimization of spatial and temporal filters for improving Brain-Computer Interfacing
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 53(11):2274-2281, 2006 [pdf] [url]

Müller K, Blankertz B, Toward noninvasive Brain-Computer Interfaces
IEEE Signal Process Mag, 23(5):125-128, 2006 [pdf] [url]

Shenoy P, Krauledat M, Blankertz B, Rao RP, Müller K, Towards Adaptive Classification for BCI
J Neural Eng, 3(1):R13-R23, 2006 [pdf] [url]

Conference papers

Blankertz B, Dornhege G, Krauledat M, Schröder M, Williamson J, Murray-Smith R, Müller K, The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface presents the novel mental typewriter Hex-o-Spell
Proceedings of the 3rd International Brain-Computer Interface Workshop and Training Course 2006, Verlag der TU Graz, 2006 [pdf]

Dornhege G, Blankertz B, Krauledat M, Losch F, Curio G, Müller K, Optimizing spatio-temporal filters for improving Brain-Computer Interfacing
Advances in Neural Inf. Proc. Systems (NIPS 05), MIT Press, 18:315-322, 2006

Krauledat M, Blankertz B, Dornhege G, Schröder M, Curio G, Müller K, On-line differentiation of neuroelectric activities: algorithms and applications
Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference IEEE EMBS on Biomedicine, 2006 [pdf]

Müller K, Krauledat M, Dornhege G, Jähnichen S, Curio G, Blankertz B, A note on the Berlin Brain-Computer Interface
Human Interaction with Machines: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop held at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2006

Sugiyama M, Blankertz B, Krauledat M, Dornhege G, Müller K, Importance-Weighted Cross-Validation for Covariate Shift
Proc. DAGM, LNCS 4174, Springer-Verlag, 2006 [pdf]

Tomioka R, Hill J, Blankertz B, Aihara K, Adapting Spatial Filtering Methods for Nonstationary BCIs
Proceedings of 2006 Workshop on Information-Based Induction Sciences (IBIS2006), 2006 [pdf]

Technical reports

Tomioka R, Dornhege G, Nolte G, Blankertz B, Aihara K, Müller K, Spectrally Weighted Common Spatial Pattern Algorithm for Single Trial EEG Classification
Dept. of Mathematical Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 2006 [pdf]


Journal papers

Lemm S, Blankertz B, Curio G, Müller K, Spatio-Spectral Filters for Improving Classification of Single Trial EEG
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 52(9):1541-1548, 2005 [pdf] [url]

Technical reports

Blankertz B, Dornhege G, Krauledat M, Müller K, Curio G, The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface: Report from the Feedback Sessions
Fraunhofer FIRST, 2005 [pdf]


Journal papers

Blanchard G, Blankertz B, BCI Competition 2003 - Data Set IIa: Spatial Patterns of Self-Controlled Brain Rhythm Modulations
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 51(6):1062-1066, 2004 [pdf] [url]

Blankertz B, Müller K, Curio G, Vaughan TM, Schalk G, Wolpaw JR, Schlögl A, Neuper C, Pfurtscheller G, Hinterberger T, Schröder M, Birbaumer N, The BCI Competition 2003: Progress and Perspectives in Detection and Discrimination of EEG Single Trials
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 51(6):1044-1051, 2004 [pdf] [url]

Dornhege G, Blankertz B, Curio G, Müller K, Boosting bit rates in non-invasive EEG single-trial classifications by feature combination and multi-class paradigms
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 51(6):993-1002, 2004 [pdf] [url]

Hinterberger T, Schmidt S, Neumann N, Mellinger J, Blankertz B, Curio G, Birbaumer N, Brain-Computer Communication with Slow Cortical Potentials: Methodology and Critical Aspects
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 51(6):1011-1018, 2004 [pdf] [url]

Kohlmorgen J, Blankertz B, Bayesian Classification of Single-Trial Event-Related Potentials in EEG
Int J Bif Chaos, 14(2):719-726, 2004 [pdf]

Krauledat M, Dornhege G, Blankertz B, Curio G, Müller K, The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface For Rapid Response
Biomed Tech, 49(1):61-62, 2004 [pdf]

Müller K, Krauledat M, Dornhege G, Curio G, Blankertz B, Machine learning techniques for Brain-Computer Interfaces
Biomed Tech, 49(1):11-22, 2004 [pdf]

Book chapters

Purwins H, Graepel T, Blankertz B, Obermayer K, Correspondence Analysis for Visualizing Interplay of Pitch Class, Key, and Composer, ISBN 3-923486-57-X
Perspectives in Mathematical and Computational Music Theory, epOs Verlag, 2004 [pdf]

Conference papers

Dornhege G, Blankertz B, Curio G, Müller K, Increase Information Transfer Rates in BCI by CSP Extension to Multi-class
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, MIT Press, 16:733-740, 2004 [pdf]

Krauledat M, Dornhege G, Blankertz B, Losch F, Curio G, Müller K, Improving Speed And Accuracy Of Brain-Computer Interfaces Using Readiness Potential Features
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 4:4511-4515, 2004 [pdf] [url]

Purwins H, Blankertz B, Dornhege G, Obermayer K, Scale Degree Profiles from Audio Investigated with Machine Learning Techniques
Audio Engineering Society 116th Convention, 2004 [pdf]


Journal papers

Blankertz B, Dornhege G, Schäfer C, Krepki R, Kohlmorgen J, Müller K, Kunzmann V, Losch F, Curio G, Boosting Bit Rates and Error Detection for the Classification of Fast-Paced Motor Commands Based on Single-Trial EEG Analysis
IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng, 11(2):127-131, 2003 [pdf] [url]

Sajda P, Gerson A, Müller K, Blankertz B, Parra L, A Data Analysis Competition to Evaluate Machine Learning Algorithms for use in Brain-Computer Interfaces
IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng, 11(2):184-185, 2003 [pdf] [url]

Conference papers

Dornhege G, Blankertz B, Curio G, Speeding up classification of multi-channel Brain-Computer Interfaces: Common spatial patterns for slow cortical potentials
Proceedings of the 1st International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering. Capri 2003, 2003 [pdf]

Dornhege G, Blankertz B, Curio G, Müller K, Combining Features for BCI
Advances in Neural Inf. Proc. Systems (NIPS 02), 15:1115-1122, 2003 [pdf]

Krepki R, Blankertz B, Curio G, Müller K, The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface (BBCI): towards a new communication channel for online control of multimedia applications and computer games
9th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS'03), 2003 [pdf]


Conference papers

Blankertz B, Curio G, Müller K, Classifying Single Trial EEG: Towards Brain Computer Interfacing
Advances in Neural Inf. Proc. Systems (NIPS 01), 14:157-164, 2002 [pdf]

Blankertz B, Schäfer C, Dornhege G, Curio G, Single Trial Detection of EEG Error Potentials: A Tool for Increasing BCI transmission rates
Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2002, 2002 [pdf]

Kohlmorgen J, Blankertz B, A Simple Generative Model for Single-Trial EEG Classification
Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2002, Springer, 2002 [pdf]


Conference papers

Harmeling S, Ziehe A, Kawanabe M, Blankertz B, Müller K, Nonlinear blind source separation using kernel feature spaces
Proc. Int. Workshop on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA2001), 2001 [pdf]

Purwins H, Blankertz B, Obermayer K, Constant Q Profiles for Tracking Modulations in Audio Data
International Computer Music Conference (Cuba), 2001 [pdf]


Journal papers

Purwins H, Blankertz B, Obermayer K, Computing Auditory Perception
Organised Sound, 5(3):159-171, 2000 [pdf]

Conference papers

Müller K, Kohlmorgen J, Ziehe A, Blankertz B, Decomposition Algorithms for Analysing Brain Signals
Adaptive Systems for Signal Processing, Communications and Control, 2000 [pdf] [url]

Purwins H, Blankertz B, Obermayer K, Modelle der Musikwahrnehmung zwischen auditorischer Neurophysiologie und Psychoakustik
KlangForschung '99, Pfau-Verlag, 2000 [pdf]

Purwins H, Blankertz B, Obermayer K, A New Method for Tracking Modulations in Tonal Music in Audio Data Format
International Joint Conference on Neural Network (IJCNN'00), 6:270-275, 2000 [url]


Journal papers

Blankertz B, Weiermann A, A uniform approach for characterizing the provably total number-theoretic functions of KPM and (some of its) subsystems
Studia Logica, 62:399-427, 1999 [url]


PhD theses

Blankertz B, Beweistheoretische Techniken zur Bestimmung von Pi^0_2-Skolemfunktionen
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, 1997 [pdf]


Conference papers

Blankertz B, Weiermann A, How to characterize provably total functions by the Buchholz' operator method
Lecture Notes in Logic, 6:205-213, 1996 [url]


Book chapters

Blankertz S, Blankertz B, Kooperation und Moral im "Prisoner's Dilemma"
Legitimität und Praxis, Öffentliche Erziehung als pädagogisches, soziales und ethisches Problem, Studien zur Relevanz und Systematik angelsächsischer Schulkritik, Büchse der Pandora Verlags-GmbH, 1989



Meder N, Blankertz B, Radermacher T, OS/2 für Anwender
BHV, 1988