Storing estimated HRFs in snirf files

This notebook estimates the HRF in a finger-tapping experiment by blockaveraging and then stores the result in a snirf file.

import cedalion
import cedalion.nirs
import cedalion.datasets

from snirf import Snirf
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

import matplotlib.pyplot as p
import os.path
import tempfile

xr.set_options(display_max_rows=3, display_values_threshold=50, display_expand_data=False)

Load a finger-tapping dataset

For this demo we load an example finger-tapping recording through cedalion.datasets.get_fingertapping. The file contains a single NIRS element with one block of raw amplitude data.

elements = cedalion.datasets.get_fingertapping()
amp = elements[0].data[0]
stim = elements[0].stim # pandas Dataframe
geo3d = elements[0].geo3d

# Rename events {
    "1.0" : "control",
    "2.0" : "Tapping/Left",
    "3.0" : "Tapping/Right"

Calculate concentrations

dpf = xr.DataArray([6, 6], dims="wavelength", coords={"wavelength" : amp.wavelength})
od = - np.log( amp / amp.mean("time") )
conc = cedalion.nirs.beer_lambert(amp, geo3d, dpf)

Frequency filtering and splitting into epochs

conc_freqfilt =, fmax=0.5, butter_order=4)

cf_epochs =
    stim, # stimulus dataframe
    ["Tapping/Left", "Tapping/Right"],  # select events
    before=5, # seconds before stimulus
    after=20  # seconds after stimulus

Blockaveraging to estimate the HRFs

# calculate baseline
baseline = cf_epochs.sel(reltime=(cf_epochs.reltime < 0)).mean("reltime")
# subtract baseline
epochs_blcorrected = cf_epochs - baseline

# group trials by trial_type. For each group individually average the epoch dimension
blockaverage = epochs_blcorrected.groupby("trial_type").mean("epoch")

<xarray.DataArray 'concentration' (trial_type: 2, chromo: 2, channel: 28,
                                   reltime: 196)> Size: 176kB
[µM] -0.05399 -0.05393 -0.05398 -0.05408 ... -0.005362 -0.005991 -0.007054
Coordinates: (3/6)
  * chromo      (chromo) <U3 24B 'HbO' 'HbR'
  * channel     (channel) object 224B 'S1D1' 'S1D2' 'S1D3' ... 'S8D8' 'S8D16'
    ...          ...
  * trial_type  (trial_type) object 16B 'Tapping/Left' 'Tapping/Right'

Store HRFs

tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
snirf_fname = os.path.join(, "test.snirf")

Inspect snirf file

s = Snirf(snirf_fname)

Stim DataFrame

onset duration value trial_type
0 61.824 5.0 1.0 control
1 87.296 5.0 1.0 control
2 181.504 5.0 1.0 control
3 275.712 5.0 1.0 control
4 544.640 5.0 1.0 control
... ... ... ... ...
87 2234.112 5.0 1.0 Tapping/Right
88 2334.848 5.0 1.0 Tapping/Right
89 2362.240 5.0 1.0 Tapping/Right
90 2677.504 5.0 1.0 Tapping/Right
91 2908.032 5.0 1.0 Tapping/Right

92 rows × 4 columns

MeasurementList DataFrame

df_ml =[0].data[0].measurementList, drop_none=True)
sourceIndex detectorIndex dataType dataUnit dataTypeLabel dataTypeIndex
0 1 1 99999 micromolar HRF HbO 3
1 1 1 99999 micromolar HRF HbR 3
2 1 9 99999 micromolar HRF HbO 3
3 1 9 99999 micromolar HRF HbR 3
4 1 10 99999 micromolar HRF HbO 3
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
107 8 14 99999 micromolar HRF HbR 4
108 8 15 99999 micromolar HRF HbO 4
109 8 15 99999 micromolar HRF HbR 4
110 8 8 99999 micromolar HRF HbO 4
111 8 8 99999 micromolar HRF HbR 4

112 rows × 6 columns


Read HRFs from snirf file

Note: read_snirf names the time dimension time whereas in blockaverage it was called reltime. Need to agree on a convention.

hrf_elements =
read_blockaverage = hrf_elements[0].data[0]
<xarray.DataArray (channel: 28, chromo: 2, trial_type: 2, time: 196)> Size: 176kB
[µM] -0.05399 -0.05393 -0.05398 -0.05408 ... -0.005362 -0.005991 -0.007054
Coordinates: (3/7)
  * time        (time) float64 2kB -4.992 -4.864 -4.736 ... 19.71 19.84 19.97
    samples     (time) int64 2kB 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 189 190 191 192 193 194 195
    ...          ...
  * trial_type  (trial_type) <U13 104B 'Tapping/Left' 'Tapping/Right'
    data_type_group:  processed HRF concentrations

Assert that the written and read HRFs are identical.

assert (read_blockaverage.rename({"time" : "reltime"}) == blockaverage).all()

Plot the HRFs

ba = read_blockaverage

f,ax = p.subplots(5,6, figsize=(12,10))
ax = ax.flatten()
for i_ch, ch in enumerate(
    for ls, trial_type in zip(["-", "--"], ba.trial_type):
        ax[i_ch].plot(ba.time, ba.sel(chromo="HbO", trial_type=trial_type, channel=ch), "r", lw=2, ls=ls)
        ax[i_ch].plot(ba.time, ba.sel(chromo="HbR", trial_type=trial_type, channel=ch), "b", lw=2, ls=ls)
    ax[i_ch].set_ylim(-.3, .6)


Tidy up

del tmpdir