Image Reconstruction

import xarray as xr
import numpy as np

import pyvista as pv

import cedalion
import cedalion.dataclasses as cdc
import cedalion.geometry.registration
import cedalion.geometry.segmentation
import cedalion.plots
import cedalion.xrutils as xrutils
import cedalion.imagereco.tissue_properties
import cedalion.imagereco.forward_model as fw
from cedalion.imagereco.solver import pseudo_inverse_stacked
import cedalion.datasets
from cedalion import units
import pickle
from gzip import GzipFile
import matplotlib.pyplot as p
import time
from IPython.display import Image


Load a finger-tapping dataset

For this demo we load an example finger-tapping recording through cedalion.datasets.get_fingertapping. The file contains a single NIRS element with one block of raw amplitude data.

Alternatively, use to read elements from a snirf file.

elements = cedalion.datasets.get_fingertapping()

The location of the probes is obtained from the snirf metadata (i.e. /nirs0/probe/)

Note that units (‘m’) are adopted and the coordinate system is named ‘digitized’.

geo3d_meas = elements[0].geo3d
<xarray.DataArray (label: 55, digitized: 3)> Size: 1kB
[m] -0.04161 0.0268 0.1299 -0.06477 0.05814 ... 0.06258 0.08226 0.01751 0.06619
    type     (label) object 440B PointType.SOURCE ... PointType.LANDMARK
  * label    (label) <U3 660B 'S1' 'S2' 'S3' 'S4' 'S5' ... '25' '26' '27' '28'
Dimensions without coordinates: digitized
cedalion.plots.plot_montage3D(elements[0].data[0], geo3d_meas)

The measurement list is a pandas.DataFrame that describes which source detector pairs form channels.

meas_list = elements[0].measurement_lists[0]
sourceIndex detectorIndex wavelengthIndex wavelengthActual wavelengthEmissionActual dataType dataUnit dataTypeLabel dataTypeIndex sourcePower detectorGain moduleIndex sourceModuleIndex detectorModuleIndex channel source detector wavelength chromo
0 1 1 1 None None 1 None None 1 None None None None None S1D1 S1 D1 760.0 None
1 1 1 2 None None 1 None None 1 None None None None None S1D1 S1 D1 850.0 None
2 1 2 1 None None 1 None None 1 None None None None None S1D2 S1 D2 760.0 None
3 1 2 2 None None 1 None None 1 None None None None None S1D2 S1 D2 850.0 None
4 1 3 1 None None 1 None None 1 None None None None None S1D3 S1 D3 760.0 None

Event/stimulus information is also stored in a pandas.DataFrame. Here events are given more descriptive names:

stim = elements[0].stim {
        "1.0" : "control",
        "2.0" : "Tapping/Left",
        "3.0" : "Tapping/Right"
15.0 2
Tapping/Left 30
Tapping/Right 30
control 30

(for this demo select 20 seconds after a trial starts at t=117s and transform raw amplitudes to optical density)

Transform CW raw amplitudes to optical density

raw_amp = elements[0].data[0]
od = -np.log( raw_amp/ raw_amp.mean("time"))
#od = od.sel(time=(od.time > 117) & (od.time < 137))
<xarray.DataArray (channel: 28, wavelength: 2, time: 23239)> Size: 10MB
[] 0.04042 0.0446 0.04422 0.05065 0.04511 ... -0.0113 -0.01109 -0.01094 -0.01317
  * time        (time) float64 186kB 0.0 0.128 0.256 ... 2.974e+03 2.974e+03
    samples     (time) int64 186kB 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 23234 23235 23236 23237 23238
  * channel     (channel) object 224B 'S1D1' 'S1D2' 'S1D3' ... 'S8D8' 'S8D16'
    source      (channel) object 224B 'S1' 'S1' 'S1' 'S1' ... 'S8' 'S8' 'S8'
    detector    (channel) object 224B 'D1' 'D2' 'D3' 'D9' ... 'D7' 'D8' 'D16'
  * wavelength  (wavelength) float64 16B 760.0 850.0

Calculate block averages in optical density

od_freqfiltered =, fmax=0.5, butter_order=4)
epochs =
        stim, # stimulus dataframe
        ["Tapping/Left", "Tapping/Right"],  # select events
        before=5, # seconds before stimulus
        after=20  # seconds after stimulus

# calculate baseline
baseline = epochs.sel(reltime=(epochs.reltime < 0)).mean("reltime")
# subtract baseline
epochs_blcorrected = epochs - baseline

# group trials by trial_type. For each group individually average the epoch dimension
blockaverage = epochs_blcorrected.groupby("trial_type").mean("epoch")

# show results
f,ax = p.subplots(5,6, figsize=(12,10))
ax = ax.flatten()
for i_ch, ch in enumerate(
    for ls, trial_type in zip(["-", "--"], blockaverage.trial_type):
        ax[i_ch].plot(blockaverage.reltime, blockaverage.sel(wavelength=760, trial_type=trial_type, channel=ch), "r", lw=2, ls=ls)
        ax[i_ch].plot(blockaverage.reltime, blockaverage.sel(wavelength=850, trial_type=trial_type, channel=ch), "b", lw=2, ls=ls)
    ax[i_ch].set_ylim(-.02, .03)

p.suptitle("760nm: r | 850nm: b | left: - | right: --")


Load segmented MRI scan

For this example use a segmentation of the Colin27 average brain.

SEG_DATADIR, mask_files, landmarks_file = cedalion.datasets.get_colin27_segmentation()

The segmentation masks are in individual niftii files. The dict mask_files maps mask filenames relative to SEG_DATADIR to short labels. These labels describe the tissue type of the mask.

In principle the user is free to choose these labels. However, they are later used to lookup the tissue’s optical properties. So they must be map to one of the tabulated tissue types (c.f. cedalion.imagereco.tissue_properties.TISSUE_LABELS).

The variable landmarks_file holds the path to a file containing landmark positions in scanner space (RAS). This file can be created with Slicer3D.

{'csf': 'mask_csf.nii',
 'gm': 'mask_gray.nii',
 'scalp': 'mask_skin.nii',
 'skull': 'mask_bone.nii',
 'wm': 'mask_white.nii'}

Coordinate systems

Up to now we have geometrical data from three different coordinate reference systems (CRS):

  • The optode positions are in one space CRS='digitized' and the coordinates are in meter. In our example the origin is at the head center and y-axis pointing in the superior direction. Other digitization tools can use other units or coordinate systems.

  • The segmentation masks are in voxel space (CRS='ijk') in which the voxel edges are aligned with the coordinate axes. Each voxel has unit edge length, i.e. coordinates are dimensionless. Axis-aligned grids are computationally efficient, which is why the photon simulation code (MCX) uses this coordinate system.

  • The voxel space (CRS='ijk') is related to scanner space (CRS='ras' or CRS='aligned') in which coordinates have physical units and coordinate axes point to the (r)ight, (a)nterior and s(uperior) directions. The relation between both spaces is given through an affine transformation (e.g. t_ijk2ras). When loading the segmentation masks in Slicer3D this transformation is automatically applied. Hence, the picked landmark coordinates are exported in RAS space.

    The niftii file provides a string label for the scanner space. In this example the RAS space is called ‘aligned’ because the masks are aligned to another MRI scan.

To avoid confusion between these different coordinate systems, cedalion tries to be explicit about which CRS a given point cloud or surface is in.

The TwoSurfaceHeadModel

The photon propagation considers the complete MRI scan, in which each voxel is attributed to one tissue type with its respective optical properties. However, the image reconstruction does not intend to reconstruct absorption changes in each voxel. The inverse problem is simplified, by considering only two surfaces (scalp and brain) and reconstruct only absorption changes in voxels close to these surfaces.

The class cedalion.imagereco.forward_model.TwoSurfaceHeadModel groups together the segmentation mask, landmark positions and affine transformations as well as the scalp and brain surfaces. The brain surface is calculated by grouping together white and gray matter masks. The scalp surface encloses the whole head.

head = fw.TwoSurfaceHeadModel.from_segmentation(
    mask_files = mask_files,
<xarray.DataArray (segmentation_type: 5, i: 255, j: 255, k: 189)> Size: 61MB
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  * segmentation_type  (segmentation_type) <U5 100B 'csf' 'gm' ... 'skull' 'wm'
Dimensions without coordinates: i, j, k
<xarray.DataArray (label: 4, ijk: 3)> Size: 96B
[] 127.0 206.8 57.86 128.8 26.05 39.14 55.05 110.9 39.34 202.9 114.0 39.92
  * label    (label) <U3 48B 'Nz' 'Iz' 'LPA' 'RPA'
    type     (label) object 32B PointType.LANDMARK ... PointType.LANDMARK
Dimensions without coordinates: ijk
TrimeshSurface(mesh=<trimesh.Trimesh(vertices.shape=(29993, 3), faces.shape=(60000, 3))>, crs='ijk', units=<Unit('dimensionless')>)
TrimeshSurface(mesh=<trimesh.Trimesh(vertices.shape=(30242, 3), faces.shape=(60000, 3))>, crs='ijk', units=<Unit('dimensionless')>)

TwoSurfaceHeadModel.from_segmentation converts everything into voxel space (CRS='ijk')


The transformation matrix to translate from voxel to scanner space:

<xarray.DataArray (aligned: 4, ijk: 4)> Size: 128B
[mm] 1.0 0.0 0.0 -127.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 -127.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -94.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
Dimensions without coordinates: aligned, ijk

Changing between coordinate systems:

head_ras = head.apply_transform(head.t_ijk2ras)
TrimeshSurface(mesh=<trimesh.Trimesh(vertices.shape=(29993, 3), faces.shape=(60000, 3))>, crs='aligned', units=<Unit('millimeter')>)

Optode Registration

The optode coordinates from the recording must be aligned with the scalp surface. Currently, cedaĺion offers a simple registration method, which finds an affine transformation (scaling, rotating, translating) that matches the landmark positions of the head model and their digitized counter parts. Afterwards, optodes are snapped to the nearest vertex on the scalp.

geo3d_snapped_ijk = head.align_and_snap_to_scalp(geo3d_meas)
<xarray.DataArray (label: 55, ijk: 3)> Size: 1kB
[] 85.61 111.3 166.8 66.62 149.0 129.9 ... 200.3 135.0 99.23 204.1 117.9 100.9
    type     (label) object 440B PointType.SOURCE ... PointType.LANDMARK
  * label    (label) <U3 660B 'S1' 'S2' 'S3' 'S4' 'S5' ... '25' '26' '27' '28'
Dimensions without coordinates: ijk
plt = pv.Plotter()
cedalion.plots.plot_surface(plt, head.brain, color="w")
cedalion.plots.plot_surface(plt, head.scalp, opacity=.1)
cedalion.plots.plot_labeled_points(plt, geo3d_snapped_ijk)

Simulate light propagation in tissue with MCX

cedalion.imagereco.forward_model.ForwardModel is a wrapper around pmcx. Using the data in the head model it prepares the inputs for pmcx and offers functionality to calculate the sensitivty matrix.

fwm = cedalion.imagereco.forward_model.ForwardModel(head, geo3d_snapped_ijk, meas_list)

Run the simulation

The compute_fluence method puts a simulated light source at each optode position and calulcates the fluence in each voxel.

RUN_MCX = False

    fluence_all, fluence_at_optodes = fwm.compute_fluence()

    fluence_all, fluence_at_optodes = cedalion.datasets.get_imagereco_example_fluence()
Downloading file 'image_reconstruction_fluence.pickle.gz' from '' to '/home/runner/.cache/cedalion'.

The photon simulation yields the fluence in each voxel for each wavelength.

<xarray.DataArray (label: 24, wavelength: 2, i: 255, j: 255, k: 189)> Size: 5GB
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
  * label       (label) <U3 288B 'S1' 'S2' 'S3' 'S4' ... 'D13' 'D14' 'D15' 'D16'
    type        (label) object 192B PointType.SOURCE ... PointType.DETECTOR
  * wavelength  (wavelength) float64 16B 760.0 850.0
Dimensions without coordinates: i, j, k

Also, for a each combination of two optodes, the fluence in the voxels at the optode positions is calculated.

<xarray.DataArray (optode1: 24, optode2: 24, wavelength: 2)> Size: 9kB
0.06158 0.06158 2.043e-08 2.043e-08 ... 1.492e-08 1.492e-08 0.2147 0.2147
  * optode1     (optode1) <U3 288B 'S1' 'S2' 'S3' 'S4' ... 'D14' 'D15' 'D16'
  * optode2     (optode2) <U3 288B 'S1' 'S2' 'S3' 'S4' ... 'D14' 'D15' 'D16'
  * wavelength  (wavelength) float64 16B 760.0 850.0

Plot fluence

To illustrate the tissue probed by light travelling from a source to the detector two fluence profiles need to be multiplied.


plt = pv.Plotter()

f = fluence_all.loc["S1", 760].values * fluence_all.loc["D1",760].values
f[f==0] = f[f!=0].min()
f = np.log10(f)
vf = pv.wrap(f)

cedalion.plots.plot_surface(plt, head.brain, color="w")
cedalion.plots.plot_labeled_points(plt, geo3d_snapped_ijk)

cog = head.brain.vertices.mean("label").values = cog + [-300,30, 150] = cog = [0,0,1]
/home/runner/micromamba/envs/cedalion/lib/python3.11/site-packages/xarray/core/ UnitStrippedWarning: The unit of the quantity is stripped when downcasting to ndarray.
  data = np.asarray(data)

Calculate the sensitivity matrices

The sensitivity matrix describes the effect of an absorption change at a given surface vertex in the OD recording in a given channel and at given wavelength. The coordinate is_brain holds a mask to distinguish brain and scalp voxels.

Adot = fwm.compute_sensitivity(fluence_all, fluence_at_optodes)
<xarray.DataArray (channel: 28, vertex: 60235, wavelength: 2)> Size: 27MB
2.977e-15 2.977e-15 0.0 0.0 ... 5.023e-20 5.023e-20 7.523e-19 7.523e-19
  * channel     (channel) <U5 560B 'S1D1' 'S1D2' 'S1D3' ... 'S8D8' 'S8D16'
  * wavelength  (wavelength) float64 16B 760.0 850.0
    is_brain    (vertex) bool 60kB True True True True ... False False False
Dimensions without coordinates: vertex
[28]: * 8 / 1024**2

The sensitivity Adot has shape (nchannel, nvertex, nwavelenghts). To solve the inverse problem we need a matrix that relates OD in channel space to absorption in image space. Hence, the sensitivity must include the extinction coefficients to translate between OD and concentrations. Furthermore, channels at different wavelengths must be stacked as well vertice and chromophores into new dimensions (flat_channel, flat_vertex):

\[\begin{split} \left( \begin{matrix} OD_{c_1, \lambda_1} \\ \vdots \\ OD_{c_N,\lambda_1} \\ OD_{c_1,\lambda_2} \\ \vdots \\ OD_{c_N,\lambda_2} \end{matrix}\right) = A \cdot \left( \begin{matrix} \Delta c_{v_1, HbO} \\ \vdots \\ \Delta c_{v_N, HbO} \\ \Delta c_{v_1, HbR} \\ \vdots \\ \Delta c_{v_N, HbR} \end{matrix}\right)\end{split}\]
Adot_stacked = fwm.compute_stacked_sensitivity(Adot)
/home/runner/micromamba/envs/cedalion/lib/python3.11/site-packages/xarray/core/ UnitStrippedWarning: The unit of the quantity is stripped when downcasting to ndarray.
  data = np.asarray(data)
<xarray.DataArray (flat_channel: 56, flat_vertex: 120470)> Size: 54MB
4.016e-13 0.0 3.321e-14 2.527e-13 ... 0.0 5.028e-18 7.996e-18 1.198e-16
Dimensions without coordinates: flat_channel, flat_vertex

Invert the sensitivity matrix

B = pseudo_inverse_stacked(Adot_stacked)
nvertices = B.shape[0]//2
B = B.assign_coords({"chromo" : ("flat_vertex", ["HbO"]*nvertices  + ["HbR"]* nvertices)})
B = B.set_xindex("chromo")
<xarray.DataArray (flat_vertex: 120470, flat_channel: 56)> Size: 54MB
-2.63e-12 -4.414e-13 3.72e-12 5.278e-13 ... -5.749e-24 2.623e-25 3.663e-24
  * chromo   (flat_vertex) <U3 1MB 'HbO' 'HbO' 'HbO' 'HbO' ... 'HbR' 'HbR' 'HbR'
Dimensions without coordinates: flat_vertex, flat_channel

Calculate concentration changes

  • the optical density has shape (nchannel, nwavelength, time) -> stack channel and wavelength dimension into new flat_channel dimension

<xarray.DataArray (trial_type: 2, channel: 28, wavelength: 2, reltime: 196)> Size: 176kB
[] -0.002354 -0.002351 -0.002334 -0.002295 ... -0.0004654 -0.0005121 -0.0005609
  * channel     (channel) object 224B 'S1D1' 'S1D2' 'S1D3' ... 'S8D8' 'S8D16'
    source      (channel) object 224B 'S1' 'S1' 'S1' 'S1' ... 'S8' 'S8' 'S8'
    detector    (channel) object 224B 'D1' 'D2' 'D3' 'D9' ... 'D7' 'D8' 'D16'
  * wavelength  (wavelength) float64 16B 760.0 850.0
  * reltime     (reltime) float64 2kB -4.992 -4.864 -4.736 ... 19.71 19.84 19.97
  * trial_type  (trial_type) object 16B 'Tapping/Left' 'Tapping/Right'
od_stacked = blockaverage.stack({"flat_channel" : ["wavelength", "channel"]})
<xarray.DataArray (trial_type: 2, reltime: 196, flat_channel: 56)> Size: 176kB
[] -0.002354 -0.001524 -0.001609 -0.0005054 ... -0.002499 -0.008621 -0.0005609
    source        (flat_channel) object 448B 'S1' 'S1' 'S1' ... 'S8' 'S8' 'S8'
    detector      (flat_channel) object 448B 'D1' 'D2' 'D3' ... 'D7' 'D8' 'D16'
  * reltime       (reltime) float64 2kB -4.992 -4.864 -4.736 ... 19.84 19.97
  * trial_type    (trial_type) object 16B 'Tapping/Left' 'Tapping/Right'
  * flat_channel  (flat_channel) object 448B MultiIndex
  * wavelength    (flat_channel) float64 448B 760.0 760.0 760.0 ... 850.0 850.0
  * channel       (flat_channel) object 448B 'S1D1' 'S1D2' ... 'S8D8' 'S8D16'

multiply with the inverted sensitivity matrix. contracts over flat_channel and the flat_vertex dimension remains

dC = B @ od_stacked
<xarray.DataArray (flat_vertex: 120470, trial_type: 2, reltime: 196)> Size: 378MB
[] -4.321e-13 -3.739e-13 -3.308e-13 ... -6.599e-27 -6.287e-27 -6.142e-27
  * chromo      (flat_vertex) <U3 1MB 'HbO' 'HbO' 'HbO' ... 'HbR' 'HbR' 'HbR'
  * reltime     (reltime) float64 2kB -4.992 -4.864 -4.736 ... 19.71 19.84 19.97
  * trial_type  (trial_type) object 16B 'Tapping/Left' 'Tapping/Right'
Dimensions without coordinates: flat_vertex

Plot concentration changes

Using functionality from pyvista and VTK plot the concentration changes on the brain surface

b = cdc.VTKSurface.from_trimeshsurface(head.brain)
b = pv.wrap(b.mesh)
# plot brain surface

for trial_type, gif_fname in [("Tapping/Left", "hbo_left.gif"), ("Tapping/Right", "hbo_right.gif")]:

    hbo = dC.sel(chromo="HbO", trial_type=trial_type).pint.dequantify() / 1e-6 # FIXME unit handling
    hbo_brain = hbo[(Adot.is_brain == True).values,:]

    ntimes = hbo.sizes["reltime"]

    b = cdc.VTKSurface.from_trimeshsurface(head.brain)
    b = pv.wrap(b.mesh)
    b["reco_hbo"] = (hbo_brain[:,0] - hbo_brain[:,0])

    plt = pv.Plotter()

        cmap='seismic', # 'gist_earth_r',
        scalar_bar_args = {"title" : "HbO / µM"}

    cedalion.plots.plot_labeled_points(plt, geo3d_snapped_ijk)

    tl = lambda tt : f"{trial_type} HbO rel. time: {tt:.3f} s"
    time_label = plt.add_text(tl(0))

    cog = head.brain.vertices.mean("label").values = cog + [0,0,400] = cog = [0,1,0]


    for i in range(0,ntimes,3):
        b["reco_hbo"] = (hbo_brain[:,i] - hbo_brain[:,0])
        time_label.set_text("upper_left", tl(hbo_brain.reltime[i]))


/home/runner/micromamba/envs/cedalion/lib/python3.11/site-packages/xarray/core/ UnitStrippedWarning: The unit of the quantity is stripped when downcasting to ndarray.
  data = np.asarray(data)
/home/runner/micromamba/envs/cedalion/lib/python3.11/site-packages/xarray/core/ UnitStrippedWarning: The unit of the quantity is stripped when downcasting to ndarray.
  data = np.asarray(data)
display(Image(data=open("hbo_left.gif",'rb').read(), format='png'))
display(Image(data=open("hbo_right.gif",'rb').read(), format='png'))