cedalion.geometry.photogrammetry package


cedalion.geometry.photogrammetry.processors module

Vertex classifiers.

class cedalion.geometry.photogrammetry.processors.ColoredStickerProcessor(colors, sticker_radius=<Quantity(6.5, 'millimeter')>, min_nvertices=50)

Bases: ScanProcessor

Searches for colored circular patches.

process(surface, details=False)

Process a scanned surface.

  • surface (TrimeshSurface) – the textured scan

  • details (bool) – return additional information

Return type:

tuple[DataArray, DataArray] | tuple[DataArray, DataArray, ColoredStickerProcessorDetails]


extracted sticker positions surface normal vectors aux. detail object if detail == True

class cedalion.geometry.photogrammetry.processors.ColoredStickerProcessorDetails(cluster_coords, cluster_circles, cluster_colors, vertex_colors, vertex_hue, vertex_value, cfg_colors)

Bases: object

cfg_colors: dict[str, float]
cluster_circles: list[tuple[float, float, float]]
cluster_colors: list[ndarray]
cluster_coords: list[ndarray]

Plot for each cluster the vertex coordinates in the sticker plan.

vertex_colors: ndarray
vertex_hue: ndarray
vertex_value: ndarray
class cedalion.geometry.photogrammetry.processors.ScanProcessor

Bases: ABC

Base class for all processors of photogrammetric scans.

abstract process(surface)
Return type:


cedalion.geometry.photogrammetry.processors.minEnclosingCircle(points) center, radius

. @brief Finds a circle of the minimum area enclosing a 2D point set. . . The function finds the minimal enclosing circle of a 2D point set using an iterative algorithm. . . @param points Input vector of 2D points, stored in std::vector<> or Mat . @param center Output center of the circle. . @param radius Output radius of the circle.


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