@inproceedings{NEURIPS2022_da1a97b5, author = "Muttenthaler, Lukas and Zheng, Charles Y and McClure, Patrick and Vandermeulen, Robert A and Hebart, Martin N and Pereira, Francisco", editor = "Koyejo, S. and Mohamed, S. and Agarwal, A. and Belgrave, D. and Cho, K. and Oh, A.", booktitle = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems", pages = "33661--33675", publisher = "Curran Associates, Inc.", title = "VICE: Variational Interpretable Concept Embeddings", url = "https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper\_files/paper/2022/file/da1a97b53eec1c763c6d06835538fe3e-Paper-Conference.pdf", volume = "35", year = "2022" }