

To create a conda environment with the necessary dependendencies run:

$ conda env create -n cedalion -f environment_dev.yml

Afterwards activate the environment and add an editable install of cedalion to it:

$ conda activate cedalion
$ pip install -e .

This will also install Jupyter Notebook to run the example notebooks.

If it’s slow…

To create the environment conda needs to find a set of packages that fulfills all requirements. If conda needs too much time to find a solution, there are two ways to speed it up.

  1. Install libmamba-solver and configure conda to use it. (recommended)

  2. Install mamba, a drop-in replacement for conda.

Additional guidance can be found in the the environments section.


  • TBD

  • currently, no fixed release. not on pypi.

Container Environments


For running cedalion in a headless environment we provide an Apptainer definition file. This container provides a populated conda environment and runs the X Window virtual Framebuffer (Xvfb) needed for the 3D plotting functionality of pyvista. The directory with the cedalion source code is expected to be mounted under /app. It is added as an editable install to the conda environment, i.e. changes made in the host directory propagate into the container.

XVfb needs write access under /var/lib/xkb which is not available from inside the container. As workaround we bind a writable directory from the host to this folder. Probably a more elegant solution exists.

Building the container:

Clone the cedalion repository to ./cedalion

$ git clone

Build the container. The cedalion source code needs to be mounted under /app.

$ apptainer build --bind `pwd`/cedalion:/app cedalion.sif cedalion/cedalion.def

Run jupyter notebook in the container

$ mkdir -p xkb
$ apptainer run --nv --bind `pwd`/xkb:/var/lib/xkb,`pwd`/cedalion:/app cedalion.sif jupyter notebook --ip --no-browser
